Our team is comitted to providing helpful service to all painters!
“I love Strikingly. Definitely the most structured, seamless and easy way I’ve ever launched a new website.”
— Felix Zeltner
Megan loves to surround herself with art, inside and outside of work. From engaging with painters at the studio to handling buisness behind the scenes, she is dedicated to providing her best! While away from the studio she enjoys visiting gardens and cuddling her cats.
— Alice Johnson
Mckenna has many passions such as art in various mediums, reading, and makeup. She has a love for Marvel and Star Wars, creating many pottery samples for the studio that fit these themes. When not at the studio, she is likely to be reading, writing, or testing out a new recipe!
Studio Staff Member Since 2019
Olivia enjoys working at the studio and offering up tips to painters in order to help them along their creative journey. Outside of the studio she takes on another art form, participating in competitive dance, which she has been actively apart of since the early days of her youth.
Studio Staff Member Since 2022
Tues. - Saturday
10am - 8pm
Sunday & Monday
10am - 4pm
8111 Lakewood Main Street, #107
Lakewood Ranch, FL
© 2024 Arts A Blaze Studio
All rights reserved. All contents of this site (including artwork, text, photos, other representations of the artworks, materials related to the artworks) are protected by copyright – any use of these materials without the express permission of Arts A Blaze Studio is a violation of said copyrights.